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With PeerWise students create, share, evaluate and discuss practice questions. 6,000,000+ questions; every subject!

What is PeerWise?
Students use PeerWise to create and to explain their understanding of course related practice questions, and to answer and discuss questions created by their peers.
Free and easy to use
PeerWise is free and very easy to use! Students are presented with a simple interface and instructors can easily view student content and monitor participation.
Award winning
PeerWise was the Overall Winner and the ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning category winner in the QS Reimagine Education Awards, a global education competition.
Find out more
Want to get started? View student and instructor guides, watch screencasts of PeerWise in action, and hear what students and instructors think in the Information about PeerWise section.

"Peerwise has catalyzed a surge of engagement around my subject. It has provided an outlet for so many different learning approaches: the creative, the critical, the studious, the explainers and the inquisitive. The best rated questions are generally better than what I would get from my academic colleagues; they are related to the syllabus, tested, refined and, above all, they have explanations. We have seen engagement with PeerWise gives a strong uplift in marks to all grades of student, and helps them develop prioritisation, articulation and the skills of criticism and reflection."

Prof. Gareth Denyer
Professor of Biomedical Education
University of Sydney, Australia

"As well as using PeerWise with my own students in Physics, in my role as Dean of Learning and Teaching I am able to promote effective tools such as PeerWise to take forward the aims of our learning and teaching enhancement strategy. All too often such strategies have grand visions and wise words that leave academic staff at the coalface wondering "All very well, but what can I actually do with my students to deliver this?" PeerWise represents an effective, easy to use tool that instructors can readily appreciate the educational benefits of using."

Prof. Simon Bates
Professor of Physics
University of British Columbia, Canada

"I just wanted to say thank you for PeerWise! We've just finished using it in a class with 400 very diverse students and the outcome was excellent. The students loved the site and using it vastly improved their understanding of the material covered in class. The only down side was complaints from other staff members that students were not attending to their work in other subjects because they were 'playing' with PeerWise on their mobile devices. Oh, and now we are getting complaints from students who want to know why we aren't using Peerwise in all of our subjects. Great work!"

Dr. Pauleen Bennett
Associate Professor of Psychology
La Trobe University, Australia
PeerWise on Twitter (October 2024)

Why use PeerWise?

PeerWise is very simple to use. A new PeerWise repository, accessible by your students, can be created in less than a minute. PeerWise complements existing teaching materials and course organisation, and can help to establish a learning community in your class incorporating collaborative learning and peer tutoring,

Ask...  Challenging students to author their own assessment questions requires them to focus on the important concepts and learning outcomes of a course. Developing effective alternatives encourages students to reflect on possible misconceptions, and explaining the answer to a question in their own words reinforces understanding.
Share...  All student-authored questions, answers and explanations are shared with the class, and can be filtered in a number of ways including by course topic, by quality or difficulty ratings, and by popularity. Students can also discover good questions by following authors who have contributed questions they find useful.
Learn...  Students receive immediate feedback when answering questions, including a summary of previously submitted answers. Answered questions can be evaluated for quality and difficulty, and associated discussion threads enable peer-dialogue around each question. Students can request help from their peers, and can improve question explanations.

Join us!

PeerWise is free to use - if you would like to use PeerWise in a class you are teaching and are ready to get started, please request an instructor account. If you are a student, your instructor will have sent you a link to help you get started.

Instructors / teachers

A PeerWise instructor account will allow you to create your own courses and manage student access. If you would like to use PeerWise in a class you are teaching, simply request an account to get started!

Your instructor or teacher will create a course on PeerWise for you, and will send you a link to get started. Simply follow the link you have been given, or you can choose your institution/school from the list provided.

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More than 2500 Universities, schools and technical institutes from around the world use PeerWise. Configure your course so that your students work with each other or collaborate with students studying similar courses at other institutions.

"I could hardly wait to get home from work in the evenings and log onto Peerwise. I found a renewed interest in gaining knowledge and it was great to be challenged, gaining those badges and seeing my points grow while learning! A big thank you to [the lecturer] for including Peerwise into this course."

Distance education student
Central Queensland University, Australia

Learn more

Additional information about PeerWise, for both instructors and students, is available in the Information about PeerWise section. Please feel free to browse around!

Resources and documentation

Read case studies, hear from teachers and students, view video examples, and learn how to incorporate PeerWise into your class.
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We would love to hear from you! If you would like to find out more about PeerWise, or if you have any questions, please contact us directly:

PeerWise documentation

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The University of Auckland | New Zealand