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This question has been answered by 103 people and has an average rating of 3.57 (based on 83 ratings)

As I am walking to my PSYC 101 final exam, a woman, holding her ipod,  stops me on the street and asks me "where is the McGill metro stop?". 

While looking at my phone, to make sure I am giving her the right information, I tell her very clearly and audibly that it is down the street. 

She answers that she doesn't hear what I am saying. I therefore assume that she  ____________(1). 

I therefore write the information onto my phone so that she can read it. Unfortunately, she again seems to be unable to understand, as she also probably has ___________(2). 

What can I do so that she will get the info? (3) 


The contributor suggests D is the correct option
Option Alternative First

(1) has Wernicke's aphasia - due to damage in Wernicke's area

(2) Pure alexia - due to damage in the VWFA

(3) Repeat what I said louder - she just didn't hear me the first time around. 

2 (1.94%)

0 (0.00%)


(1) has Transcortical sensory aphasia - due to damage in posterior language area

(2) Pure dyslexia - due to damage in the VWFA

(3) Look at her while I repeat my sentence. She will be able to read my lips.

10 (9.71%)

0 (0.00%)


(1) is deaf. 

(2) Pure dyslexia - due to damage in her primary visual cortex

(3) Repeat what I said louder - she just didn't hear me the first time around.

3 (2.91%)

0 (0.00%)


(1) has Pure word deafness - due to damage in Wernicke's area

(2) Pure alexia - due to damage in the VWFA 

(3) Look at her while I repeat my sentence. She will be able to read my lips.

77 (74.76%)

32 (100.00%)


(1) has Pure word deafness - due to damage in the posterior language area

(2) Pure alexia - due to damage in her visual association cortex

(3) Spell out the information letter by letter

11 (10.68%)

0 (0.00%)


The following explanation has been provided relating to this question:

(1) - The woman is clearly not deaf as she has an ipod so was listening to music.

She says that she doesn't hear what I am saying because she has pure word deafness. This is a problem due to damage in Wernicke's area, the area responsible for recognizing words. 


(2) - pure alexia (and not pure dyslexia) is due to damage in the VWFA


(3) - people with pure word deafness can read on your lips


The following topics have been indicated as being relevant to this question:

Aphasia, Chapter 13


There are 14 comments for this question (12 top-level comments and 2 replies) 
Written: 2:01pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 3999 points and 12 badges

Nice question! Tricky and you have to think about it, but very interesting! 

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Written: 1:15pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 6107 points and 18 badges

This is a good question for testing understanding, but it is unlikely that a person would have both pure word deafness and pure alexia without having other issues that relate to speech.

 Written: 2:54pm, 17 DecReply written by question author

Yes good point!

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Written: 11:31am, 17 DecAuthor has: 6696 points and 20 badges

Great question! A really creative way to integrate a lot of info from chapter 13, good explanation too :)

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Written: 11:44am, 17 DecAuthor has: 5792 points and 20 badges

I liked this question!! It definitely took me some time to think it all through!

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Written: 1:59pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 5861 points and 23 badges

Really great question! You integrate a lot of information, all in a fun scenario. Good luck on the final!

 Written: 2:54pm, 17 DecReply written by question author

Thank you, you too!

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Written: 4:48pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 6036 points and 15 badges

this is a great question as in combines several aspects of multiple disorders in one -- good work!

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Written: 5:11pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 3699 points and 13 badges

This is a great question! Really makes you reflect on the course material. 

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Written: 8:47pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 5630 points and 16 badges

This question really had me thinking, good one!

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Written: 9:41pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 4546 points and 18 badges

A very good question to make one think about the material while interacting with it!

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Written: 10:52pm, 17 DecAuthor has: 3489 points and 13 badges

Really clever and creative question with good answer choices!

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